Kiokee's Reva BH, CGC, CD, CDX, SchII, HIC
OFA GS-46992G24F

Reva shown winning Highest scoring Open A and High in
Trial at the Augusta GSD club Under judge John Mett. 12/98
Click here for Reval's Pedigree and more pix
Reva winning High in Trial, Highest scoring tracking,
obedience, and protection at the Greater Atlanta Schutzhund Association April 10,1999, under judge George Shumaker
for her Schutzhund I. Score 99-90-94
Kiokee's Rudy Rose BH, CD, CGC, Sch III, HIC

Click here to view Rudy's Pedigree and more Pix
Rudy winning High Scoring Novice B and High in Trial, under
judge Kathy Griner at the Augusta German Shepherd Dog club Show Oct 2001.
SG Kiokee's Riff SchH 3 KKL1 CD, BH, AD, TD, HIC, CGC,
TDI. OFA GS-47542G48M-T Elbows OFA GS-6467M24-T Normal

Riff is owned,trained, and handle by Marcus Roseman

Click Here
for Pedigree